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Why join our holiday swim program

Our Swim School Team have put together a few basic tips you and your child might find helpful as they progress their journey to becoming a competent swimmer.

Facilitate building trust

Children often do not know their instructor and trust is a huge part of teaching swimming. Before each lesson and in between lessons talk about the instructor using their name so the children are mentally prepared and make a big display of yourself meeting the instructor so that the children can see you trust them as well.


Not sure about wearing goggles

Some children really don’t like putting their googles on and using them, especially the little ones. A good tip is to let them play with them at home in the shower and bath.

Get that Streamline

The best position for moving through water is a straight line along the surface of the pool. For some kids this is a challenge but practice pretending to be an arrow or a rocket ship so that fingers part the water and keep head in line with body. 

Streamline position  - We do this with all levels starting with our toddlers by doing motor boats with them in the water. Arms stretched out in front or holding a board. Kicking legs with face in the water blowing bubbles to make motorboat noises. 

Pull - Breathe - Kick - Glide

Breaststroke can be tricky! Fix your breaststroke timing by getting the 'pull, breathe, kick, glide' sequence just right for a smooth and efficient swimming stroke.

  1. Pull with arms
  2. Breathe in
  3. Kick with legs 
  4. Glide for 3 seconds

Keep it positive 

Always talk about the positive things a child can do while swimming and only focus on that. It will build the child’s confidence, it feels good and distracts them from the things they do not like to do. 

Engaging in intensive learning comes with some unique benefits and swimming is a great activity to prove this.

While taking the time for weekly swimming lessons is excellent for skill development, delving into concentrated learning in shorter timeframes has its distinct advantages.

  • During school holidays, intensive swimming lessons can be a game-changer if your child's skills have reached a plateau. Each day brings new skills and tricks, and the daily return to the pool helps them solidify and build upon what they learned the day before.
  • It is the repetition of new skills in the daily swimming lesson building both muscle memory and mental retention which plays a crucial role in maintaining and enhancing swimming skills.
  • Over the week your child will be more aware of their progress. Unlike longer breaks between lessons, where improvements might quietly sneak in like ripples, the intensive format provides a tangible sense of achievement, boosting their confidence.
  • And let's not overlook the enjoyment factor of school holiday swimming programs! They offer your kids something exciting to look forward to as the holidays approach. Additionally, they serve as a structured activity for parents, alleviating the daily need to find activities to keep them active and occupied.

We are here to help so please don’t hesitate to contact us on 9441 8227 or visit our website for further information or assistance! Visit Holiday Swim.